99 words
Our hero, one Dewy C. McCray was an animal lover. His pet food company specialized in vegan food for cats.
Unfortunately, cats that don't eat meat grow blind. So Dewy began a subsidiary business, "Dewy's Seeing Eye Dogs for Blind Cats."
He hoped this would not only aid the blind, but promote interspecies harmony.
It was an unfortunate side effect that some of the dogs ate their charges. Revolutions are never without casualties.
The bloodlust of his hitherto furry friends embittered Dewy.
He changed his name to Kim, moved to Korea and opened a restaurant specializing in dog fricassee.
Elizabeth Eve King has performed and worked both nationally and internationally in theater, comedy, dance, teaching, painting & science. The Tragedy of Dewy C. McCray was published in a "top 12 short story booklet" by Glimmer Train Press and has received first place in the 2005 Innermoon Lit Award for Best Short-Short Story. An excerpt of 'Dirk Snigby's Guide to the Afterlife' was long listed for the Aeon Award and short listed for the Biscuit Publishing International Short Story Award. This excerpt of Dirk Snigby will be published and recorded as a CD by the Biscuit Publishing. Another excerpt from the novel is readable on the Descending Darkness website.