
Nighttime Flirting by Louise Yeiser

100 words

After a day of travel; finally, bedtime. I tucked myself into the softness, turned off the light and saw stars playing tag and dancing, twirling, through the darkness like lightening bugs in the twilight tree-shadows of a mid-summer's night. Once my eyes adjusted, the twinkling faded and the dresser melted back and forth between silhouette and solid, in and out, teasing me from the edge. I turned on the light, got out of bed, and walked into the living room, to listen to the waves and convince myself that I was not completely crazy—something I have suspected for years.

Louise Yeiser is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Modern Witches, Wizards and Magic (Kerlak) and Tuesday Shorts and regularly in Six Sentences. She lives in Sewickley, PA and vacations in Naples, FL.

Copyright © 2008 Louise Yeiser

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